by Daniel Giamario
A final call to join us at Avebury/Stonehenge and Crop Circles in England, August 5-12, 2015

Avebury Henge – photo by David Iliff
The collaborative team of Daniel Giamario, co-founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School and the creator of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm, and Anyaa McAndrew, of Full Moon Sanctuary, will facilitate another adventure celebrating the Renaissance of the Sacred Feminine. Following their successful journey to Scotland and the Callanish Stones last year(with Nita Gage), Anyaa and Daniel are now exploring Stonehenge, the Avebury Stone Rings and Rows, Silbury Hill, and the West Kennet Long Barrow.
Our group will be held at a country estate hotel near Swindon England, located quite near to Avebury and Stonehenge. At the time of this writing, the event is only weeks away and there is still room for you to join us! Register for the event here! Any additional participants will be able to have their own private room at no extra cost. Also, three meals a day are included in the price.
Some reasons to consider joining us:
- There will be a special opportunity for a private visit into Stonehenge at sunrise. This is no longer permitted except through privately pre-arranged bookings.
- Avebury resident expert, Peter Knight (see my book review), will lead an evening shamanic ceremony in West Kennet Long Barrow,
Daniel at Gulang Padang in Java, Indonesia
overlooking Silbury Hill. He also will give an evening power-point presentation on Avebury and on the surrounding sacred landscape.
- An opportunity to see one or more crop circles at the peak of crop circle season. These enigmatic circles are known to appear profusely in the Avebury/Silbury/Stonehenge area clustered around the time of Lammas, when we are holding this event.
- We will be connecting into the flood of new archaeological discoveries in the Avebury/Stonehenge area including a 10,000 year old road, additional stone circles under the ground near Stonehenge, a possible new stone row at Avebury, and new theories emerging almost every week (see Avebury webpage).
- Just back from Gobekli Tepe in Turkey (with Andrew Collins), the Gulang Padang Pyramids in Java, and Bali, Daniel will share his
Stonehenge Picture from 17th Century
latest research on the big question: “Who are we and what happened”?
Included in his presentations are these topics:
- Deneb and the Cygnus mystery
- Where and what is Atlantis/Lemuria?
- The origins of the megalithic cultures
- What are the origins of Homo Sapiens? Who are the Annunaki? Are we hybrids? Terrestrial or extra-terrestrial?
- Gylany in the Neolithic Age, and the necessity of its revival
- Renaissance of the ancient mother goddess and matrilineal traditions
- Anyaa McAndrew, also a certified Shamanic astrologer, is at the forefront of the international creation of priestess circles, celebratingthe sacred feminine. As an archetypal and transpersonal therapist, she brings her long experience of working with ceremony and women’s circles in animating the full spectrum of the feminine. At this Avebury event she will be emphasizing Celtic and pre-Celtic images and expressions of the Goddess.
- This will be an incredible opportunity to work experientially with the currently unfolding Venus/Mars Saga. The Avebury journey
Anyaa McAndrew
stands midway between 2 other remarkable phases of the Inanna/Damuzi/Rapunzel Venus-Mars Saga as follows:
- Phase 1: The crowning of Venus with Mars in the Underworld. The Shamanic Astrology Mystery School event at Faywood Hot Springs, led by Cayelin and Tami, is celebrating this over summer solstice time.
- Phase 2: Avebury and the month of August. This begins with Venus, Jupiter, and Regulus in conjunction after sunset, as Mars is slowly rising in the morning from the underworld. As August progresses, Venus will descend radidly into the interior underworld and then to rise heliacally August 22 as the reborn Leo goddess. Soon after, the newly risen morning star Venus will encounter the newly risen morning star mars.
- Phase 3: In September, October and November, Venus and Mars will interweave together within 10 degrees in the morning sky, symbolizing the “happily ever after” portion of the Rapunzel story, or where Inanna and Damuzi reunite. The Fishlake Valley cosmology event September 22-25, as well as the Sacred Marriage intensive in Tubac Arizona in October, will have this beautiful final phase of the current Venus-Mars Saga as the cosmological backdrop.
Another feature is observing the evening and morning night sky from these ancient cosmograms and heirophanies during mainly moonless nights will give us the opportunity to feel the magic energies of “as above-so below”, and to tune into the galactic alignment and the ancient and current North star. The Summer triangle will expand our awareness back to 15-16,000 years ago when Deneb was the North Star and Cygnus was at the top of the cosmic tree of life. We will be standing on the shoulders of the star-watchers and sky shamans of old.
One additional note: The Avebury Renaissance of the Sacred Feminine event can count as credit for certification either as a cosmology event or as a graduation event.
Many people these days wait for the last minute to decide on an event. If this applies to you, or if Uranus or Jupiter have activated you recently, do join us, and there is room! If so, please contact Daniel or Anyaa as soon as possible.
Further Reading regarding Stonehenge:
- Exploring ancient life under the shadow of Stonehenge
- Stone circle unearthed during new archaeological dig could dwarf Stonehenge
Daniel Giamario is the originator of the Shamanic Astrology paradigm and founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School.
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